Father Figures Program

A program designed to provide fathers and father figures support, education, and motivation for the vital role they play. Join the community of fathers by joining today for free!

  • These small-group discussions will provide you with the opportunity to discuss questions, learn from others, and problem solve.

  • The Fatherhood Helpline will be a resource for you to find help no matter what the problem is. We use top notch resources to get you the help you need.

  • Providing you opportunities to volunteer in your community as a mentor and father figure to others. This will include volunteering as a coach, teacher, foster care mentor, or other valuable ways to be a father figure.

Future Fathers Program

  • By joining the Future Fathers program you will have access to online and in-person classes on how to make responsible choices, which include respecting others, valuing sex education, setting good priorities, and living a clean life.

  • You’ll become apart of the future father’s community and receive weekly emails, social media content, and other forms of communication. These will be resources for you to gain inspiration, motivation, and guidance for your day to day life.

  • We want you to get involved in your community! We’ll connect you with resources online and in-person that will help you serve others and create a positive impact on those around you.

Helping young men and young adults (high school and college aged) live a father-focused lifestyle in preparation for becoming a father or father figure one day.