Future Father

There are a lot of different emotions that hit you as you prepare to become a father. People make jokes about diapers and nights with little to no sleep, but that doesn’t scare me. Of course I have had the, “What about this?” or “What about that?” thoughts. We all do. We just want to be ready, right? But, what does that even mean?

What scares me is the, “Are we ready for this?” thought. I don’t even know what I want to be when I grow up. How am I supposed to provide a life for a child when I still feel like one myself? Truthfully, we have been barely making it by as is with career changes and a lot of failures along the way. How can I give the life I feel my wife and baby deserve? How am I going to provide? I want to do something I love to do. I want to make a difference. I want to have a job and a life that my kids can look at and be inspired. That is just the dreamer in me. But, where is the balance between what I want and what my family needs? How will I know if I can give my family what they need? Physically, emotionally, mentally, and so on. This world is a scary place to bring a kid into.

Many men out there can probably relate to the paragraph above. Vulnerability is the important. We lead ourselves to think that we are on an island and have to do it all on our own. There are fathers all around you who have been in your very shoes. As well as future fathers just like yourself. 

What gives me hope is knowing that over 7 billion people on this planet have a father. Some had good ones, and some had not so good ones. All we can really do is take courage in knowing that good fathers have come before you. They sat in your very seat. Wondering how they could make it happen. Their kids will tell you they don’t remember all the material things, but they will remember the times their dad made them laugh or feel special. Be that dad.

Fatherhood is a journey. Ups, downs, and a whole lot of unknown. You do not have to be perfect. You just have to take pride in being present. You got this.

Written By: Zach Hymas


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